Pile turner for block moulds

Pile turner for block moulds

The pile turner is used to turn soft cheese, blue cheese and even soft Tommes

It works with :

  • Bottomless blocks mould and double-sided plastic trays.
  • With reversible bottom blocks mould.

It can also be used to drain cheeses in a pile, thus allowing you to save on draining tables and reduce the area necessary

Download the technical sheet
Technical sheet

The standard model operates with variable stacks of 4 to 10 blocks moulds. An adjustable lower support, coupled with an upper clamping bar, allows the stack to be centred.

Additionally, a tubular foot pedal is used to operate the turning of the trolley's front or of its side. A removable whey collection tray is located at the bottom of the trolley ; making it easy to clean.

The mobile trolley has been designed to pass through an 84 cm wide door 


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For further information, contact us!

Retourneur pile   Fiche technique   2
Our certificate
certification AEO
Certificat AEO n° FR00164094
certification exportateur agree
Approved exporter n° FR 003540/0234
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